- Tract 1 Grain Handling Facilities
- Tract 1 Grain Handling Facilities
- Flags are in corners of all the tracts
This is a very rare opportunity to purchase 7 Contiguous Irrigated Quarters
Totaling 1,119+/- Acres Antelope County
With an all new, in 2016, 300,000-bushel state of the art grain handling system. Located in the extreme Southeast corner of Antelope County, Nebraska, with excellent producing soils and high output irrigation wells, test pumped from 900 to1250 gallon per minute. All pivots are 2008 or newer Reinke systems, power to all wells, except tract 7, which is from 100 hp electric motors. All wells have remote operation at the wells. A good corn and soybean crop rotation and weed control policy has been followed over the years. If you have multiple farms scattered apart from one another that require moving grain and large equipment down the highway from farm to farm, we ask you consider doing a 1031 tax-free exchange of those farms for this all in one operation with new grain handling/storage in place. We can help you make that happen.
This property is being offered in its entirety at $8,228 per acre which totals $9,207,500 or it can be purchased in individual tracts with pricing shown along with other information within this brochure.
Land Location: From the water tower in Tilden, NE, approximately 6½ miles South on Highway 45 to 836 Road (Mile Marker 20) then 4 miles West to 530 Ave, then 1 mile South to the Southeast corner of Tract 1.
TRACT #1 – 163 +/- ACRES
Priced at $12,500 per acre = $2,037,500
Legal Description: The SE¼ of Section 29 Township 23 North, Range 5 West of the 6th P.M Antelope County, Nebraska.
General Information: Pivot-irrigated quarter improved by a new in 2016 state of the art 300,000-bushel grain handling system. Six GSI 50,000 bushel bins and the latest-in-features elevator leg with in-sequence operation where there is no need to leave the cab of your truck or tractor to unload. The leg handles 7,500 bushels per hour with two 750 bushel pits allowing you to dump both hoppers at once. The all-electronic panel operation, which cost $240,000 alone, has capacity to add a grain dryer and wet holding bin later if you would like. The 48-foot diameter bins have 40 hp fans and 12” downspouts to them. The holding tanks above the pits are 2,200 bushels each. The three-phrase electric power to the leg and bins is underground.
Other improvements on this tract include an older single story, 3-bedroom home in good condition with a full-size basement, central heating & air conditioning and an attached 2-car garage.
Additionally, the tract has a Marvel Brute 50×100′ Quonset, a detached 24×26′ wood frame garage, and other older small wood frame buildings. (The Behlen 68×100′ Quonset located to the west of the other buildings is setting just to the West of the property line of tract #1 and sets on tract #2).
The 2017 crop was soybeans. The tract, taxed as 163.29 acres, is in the Elgin School District #18. The 2016 taxes were $5,974 (the 2017 values, as now shown on the assessor worksheet, will increase by $208,000 – grain handling).
Irrigation Information: Reinke pivot system (2008 or newer), powered by a 100 hp electric well with remote operation at the well. Well at center of the farm, pumps at 800 gpm. 125.4 certified irrigation acres, Upper Elkhorn NRD.
FSA Information: Records at Antelope County FSA show the tract to have 157.82 farmland acres, 148.99 cropland acres with 133.70 corn base acres and 7.60 soybean base acres, 153.05 DCP cropland.
Soils Information: The USDA web soil survey shows the tract to contain Hobbs, Alcester and Crofton-Nora Complex soils.
TRACTS #2 & 3 – 320 +/- ACRES
Priced at $7,500 per acre = $2,400,000
Legal Description: The W½ of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 West of the 6th P.M., Antelope County, Nebraska.
Irrigation and General Information: Pivot-irrigated half section with two Reinke pivots, the North one new in 2017 and the other 2008 or newer. One irrigation well, powered by a 100 hp electric motor, located at the center of the North quarter serves both pivots with enough volume to put 1” of water to both quarters in 6 days total. 263.90 certified irrigation acres, Upper Elkhorn NRD. The 2017 crop was corn. The tracts are taxed as 320.37 acres and are in the Elgin School District #18. The 2016 taxes were $10,880.70.
Improvements include a Behlen 68×100′ Quonset on the South end of the property and two 30,000-bushel steel grain bins with sweep augers along the North boundary. The proposed Keystone XL pipeline has obtained an easement to bury a pipeline North to South thru these tracts. The owner will receive any further payments with regard to the pipeline if/when it comes to fruition.
FSA Information: Records at Antelope County FSA show the tracts to have 316.25 farmland acres, 311.14 cropland acres with 279.20 corn base acres and 15.90 soybean base acres, 311.14 DCP cropland.
Soils Information: The USDA web soil survey shows the tracts to contain Hobbs, Alcester and Nora-Crofton Complex soils.
TRACT #4 – 158 +/- ACRES
Priced at $7,500 per Acre = $1,185,000
Legal Description: The NE¼ of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 West of the 6th P.M. Antelope County, Nebraska.
Irrigation and General Information: Pivot-irrigated quarter with 2008 or newer Reinke pivot. 900 gpm well powered by a 100 hp electric motor located at the center of the tract, remote operation at the well. 138.1 certified irrigation acres, Upper Elkhorn NRD. 100% farmable, 2017 crop was soybeans. The tract is taxed as 158.49 acres and is in the Elgin School District #18. The 2016 taxes were $5,378.72.
FSA Information: Records at Antelope County FSA show the tract to have 158.06 farmland acres, 158.06 cropland and DCP cropland acres. 142.40 corn base acres and 7.10 soybean base acres.
Soils Information: The USDA web soil survey shows the tract to contain Alcester, Moody, Nora silt loam and Crofton-Nora Complex soils.
TRACT #5 & 6 – 321 +/- ACRES
Priced at $7,500 per Acre = $2,407,500
Legal Description: The E½ of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 West of the 6th P.M. Antelope County, Nebraska.
Irrigation and General Information: Pivot-irrigated half section with two Reinke pivots, 2008 or newer. One 900 gpm well with 100 hp electric motor is located at the center of the North quarter serves both pivots with enough volume to put 1” of water to both quarters in 6 days total. 264.60 certified irrigation acres, Upper Elkhorn NRD. The 2017 crop was corn. The tracts are taxed as 321.06 acres and are in the Elgin School District #18. The 2016 taxes were $10,538.60.
FSA Information: Records at the Antelope County FSA show the tracts to have 313.36 farmland, cropland and DCP cropland acres.
Soils Information: The USDA web soil survey shows the tracts to contain Hobbs, Nora silty clay loam and Crofton-Nora Complex soils.
TRACT #7 – 157 +/- ACRES
Priced at $7,500 per Acre = $1,177,500
Legal Description: The SW¼ of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 West of the 6th P.M. Antelope County, Nebraska (less and except approximately 3.62 acres in the NW corner which has the wind tower).
Irrigation and General Information: Pivot-irrigated quarter with a Reinke pivot system new in 2017. 900 gpm well, located at the corner of the tract, has a diesel power unit and rotophase. 136.25 certified irrigation acres, Upper Elkhorn NRD. The 2017 crop was soybeans. The tract is taxed as 157 acres and is located in the Elgin School District #18 with the 2016 taxes in the amount of $5,215.00. The proposed Keystone XL pipeline has obtained an easement to bury as pipeline North to South thru this tract. The owner will receive any further payments with regard to the pipeline if/when it comes to fruition.
Soils Information: The USDA web soil survey shows the tract to contain Hobbs, Nora silty clay loam and Crofton-Nora Complex soils.
Owners: William K and Connie K. Becker
- Tract 1 Grain Handling Facilities
- Tract 1 Grain Handling Facilities
- Tract 1 Grain Handling Facilities
- Tract 1 Quonset
- Tract 2 Quonset
- Tracts 2 & 3
- Looking North from South end of Tracts 2 & 3.
- Tracts 2&3 looking from SE to NW
- Tract 4
- Tract 4
- View of bin site from East side of Tracts 5 & 6
- East side of Tracts 5 & 6 looking Northwest.
- Tracts 5 & 6 looking from NW to SE
- Along East side of Tracts 5 & 6 looking North to bin site
- View of Tracts 5 & 6 from North looking South.
- View of Tracts 5 & 6 from North looking South.
- View from North end of Tracts 5 & 6 looking South.
- View from East side of Tracts 5 & 6 looking South.